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Donate now to Multiply the 2%

The Teacher Village Residency recruits, retains, and places Black men to be teachers in public schools by providing wrap-around supports which includes housing that's affordable.

$537,350 raised

$2,200,000 goal

/ 150


The Teacher Village Residency is a collaboration between school districts and colleges and universities to construct a pipeline of Black male teachers, who are carefully recruited, prepared, and retained within the profession. The namesake of this project, Teacher Village, supports Black male teaching fellows within a cohort model that provides a stipend, professional support, peer and community connections, supplemental training to reduce teacher attrition, and affordable housing prior to and while fellows complete a teacher preparation program. In partnership with Teacher Village, district personnel and college faculty develop networks, recruitment materials, including a podcast, and mentor teacher training to build capacity for implementing a teacher residency program. We have completed our first pre-pilot with five Teacher Village residents at will begin our housing pilot in Fall of 2023. We are supported by national organizations like New Schools Venture, Durfee Foundation, Camelback Ventures, Salesforce, and individuals donors from across the nation. Join us in multiplying the 2% of Black men entering into the teaching profession.